Bible Versions
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1 לַמְנַצֵּחַ H5329 מִזְמוֹר H4210 לְדָוִֽד H1732 ׃ EPUN
2 בְּֽבוֹא H935 ־ CPUN אֵלָיו H413 PREP-3MS נָתָן H5416 הַנָּבִיא H5030 כַּֽאֲשֶׁר H834 ־ CPUN בָּא H935 VQPMS אֶל H413 PREP בַּת H1339 ־ CPUN שָֽׁבַע H1339 ׃ EPUN
3 חָנֵּנִי H2603 אֱלֹהִים H430 EDP כְּחַסְדֶּךָ H2617 כְּרֹב H7230 רַחֲמֶיךָ H7356 מְחֵה H4229 פְשָׁעָֽי H6588 ׃ EPUN
4 הרבה H7235 כַּבְּסֵנִי H3526 מֵעֲוֺנִי H5771 וּֽמֵחַטָּאתִי H2403 טַהֲרֵֽנִי H2891 ׃ EPUN
5 כִּֽי H3588 CONJ ־ CPUN פְשָׁעַי H6588 אֲנִי H589 PPRO-1MS אֵדָע H3045 וְחַטָּאתִי H2403 W-CFS-1MS נֶגְדִּי H5048 PREP-1MS תָמִֽיד H8548 ׃ EPUN
6 לְךָ L-PPRO-2MS לְבַדְּךָ H905 ׀ PUNC חָטָאתִי H2398 VQQ1MS וְהָרַע H7451 בְּעֵינֶיךָ H5869 עָשִׂיתִי H6213 VQQ1MS לְמַעַן H4616 L-CONJ תִּצְדַּק H6663 בְּדָבְרֶךָ H1696 תִּזְכֶּה H2135 בְשָׁפְטֶֽךָ H8199 ׃ EPUN
7 הֵן H2005 IJEC ־ CPUN בְּעָווֹן H5771 חוֹלָלְתִּי H2342 וּבְחֵטְא H2399 יֶֽחֱמַתְנִי H3179 אִמִּֽי H517 ׃ EPUN
8 הֵן H2005 IJEC ־ CPUN אֱמֶת H571 CFS חָפַצְתָּ H2654 VQQ2MS בַטֻּחוֹת H2910 וּבְסָתֻם H5640 חָכְמָה H2451 NFS תוֹדִיעֵֽנִי H3045 ׃ EPUN
9 תְּחַטְּאֵנִי H2398 בְאֵזוֹב H231 וְאֶטְהָר H2891 תְּכַבְּסֵנִי H3526 וּמִשֶּׁלֶג H7950 אַלְבִּֽין H3835 ׃ EPUN
10 תַּשְׁמִיעֵנִי שָׂשׂוֹן H8342 וְשִׂמְחָה H8057 תָּגֵלְנָה H1523 עֲצָמוֹת H6106 דִּכִּֽיתָ H1794 ׃ EPUN
11 הַסְתֵּר H5641 פָּנֶיךָ H6440 CMP-2MS מֵחֲטָאָי H2399 וְֽכָל H3605 W-CMS ־ CPUN עֲוֺנֹתַי H5771 מְחֵֽה H4229 ׃ EPUN
12 לֵב H3820 NMS טָהוֹר H2889 AMS בְּרָא H1254 ־ CPUN לִי L-PPRO-1MS אֱלֹהִים H430 EDP וְרוּחַ H7307 W-GFS נָכוֹן H3559 NMS חַדֵּשׁ H2318 בְּקִרְבִּֽי H7130 ׃ EPUN
13 אַל H408 NPAR ־ CPUN תַּשְׁלִיכֵנִי H7993 מִלְּפָנֶיךָ H6440 וְרוּחַ H7307 W-GFS קָדְשְׁךָ H6944 אַל H408 NPAR ־ CPUN תִּקַּח H3947 VQY2MS מִמֶּֽנִּי H4480 PREP-1MS ׃ EPUN
14 הָשִׁיבָה H7725 לִּי EPUN שְׂשׂוֹן H8342 יִשְׁעֶךָ H3468 וְרוּחַ H7307 W-GFS נְדִיבָה H5081 תִסְמְכֵֽנִי H5564 ׃ EPUN
15 אֲלַמְּדָה H3925 פֹשְׁעִים H6586 דְּרָכֶיךָ H1870 CMP-2MS וְחַטָּאִים H2400 W-NMP אֵלֶיךָ H413 PREP-2MS יָשֽׁוּבוּ H7725 ׃ EPUN
16 הַצִּילֵנִי H5337 מִדָּמִים H1818 ׀ PUNC אֱ‍ֽלֹהִים H430 אֱלֹהֵי H430 CDP תְּשׁוּעָתִי H8668 תְּרַנֵּן H7442 לְשׁוֹנִי H3956 CMS-1MS צִדְקָתֶֽךָ H6666 CFS-2MS ׃ EPUN
17 אֲדֹנָי H136 EDS שְׂפָתַי H8193 CFD-1MS תִּפְתָּח H6605 וּפִי H6310 W-CMS-1MS יַגִּיד H5046 VHY3MS תְּהִלָּתֶֽךָ H8416 ׃ EPUN
18 כִּי H3588 CONJ ׀ CPUN לֹא H3808 NPAR ־ CPUN תַחְפֹּץ H2654 זֶבַח H2077 NMS וְאֶתֵּנָה H5414 עוֹלָה H5930 NFS לֹא H3808 NPAR תִרְצֶֽה H7521 ׃ EPUN
19 זִֽבְחֵי H2077 אֱלֹהִים H430 EDP רוּחַ H7307 NFS נִשְׁבָּרָה H7665 לֵב H3820 NMS ־ CPUN נִשְׁבָּר H7665 וְנִדְכֶּה H1794 אֱלֹהִים H430 EDP לֹא H3808 NADV תִבְזֶֽה H959 ׃ EPUN הֵיטִיבָה H3190 בִרְצוֹנְךָ H7522 אֶת H853 PART ־ CPUN צִיּוֹן H6726 תִּבְנֶה H1129 חוֹמוֹת H2346 יְרוּשָׁלִָֽם H3389 ׃ EPUN אָז H227 ADV תַּחְפֹּץ H2654 זִבְחֵי H2077 ־ CPUN צֶדֶק H6664 NMS עוֹלָה H5930 NFS וְכָלִיל H3632 אָז H227 ADV יַעֲלוּ H5927 עַל H5921 PREP ־ CPUN מִזְבַּחֲךָ H4196 פָרִֽים H6499 ׃ EPUN
1 To the chief Musician H5329 , A Psalm H4210 of David H1732 , when Nathan H5416 the prophet H5030 came H935 unto H413 him , after H834 he had gone in H935 to H413 Bathsheba H1339 . Have mercy H2603 upon me , O God H430 , according to thy lovingkindness H2617 : according unto the multitude H7230 of thy tender mercies H7356 blot out H4229 my transgressions H6588 .
2 Wash H3526 me throughly H7235 from mine iniquity H5771 , and cleanse H2891 me from my sin H2403 .
3 For H3588 I H589 acknowledge H3045 my transgressions H6588 : and my sin H2403 is ever H8548 before H5048 me .
4 Against thee , thee only H905 , have I sinned H2398 , and done H6213 this evil H7451 in thy sight H5869 : that H4616 thou mightest be justified H6663 when thou speakest H1696 , and be clear H2135 when thou judgest H8199 .
5 Behold H2005 , I was shapen H2342 in iniquity H5771 ; and in sin H2399 did my mother H517 conceive H3179 me .
6 Behold H2005 , thou desirest H2654 truth H571 in the inward parts H2910 : and in the hidden H5640 part thou shalt make me to know H3045 wisdom H2451 .
7 Purge H2398 me with hyssop H231 , and I shall be clean H2891 : wash H3526 me , and I shall be whiter H3835 than snow H7950 .
8 Make me to hear H8085 joy H8342 and gladness H8057 ; that the bones H6106 which thou hast broken H1794 may rejoice H1523 .
9 Hide H5641 thy face H6440 from my sins H2399 , and blot out H4229 all H3605 mine iniquities H5771 .
10 Create H1254 in me a clean H2889 heart H3820 , O God H430 ; and renew H2318 a right H3559 spirit H7307 within H7130 me .
11 Cast H7993 me not H408 away from thy presence H6440 CMP-2MS ; and take H3947 not H408 thy holy H6944 spirit H7307 from H4480 me .
12 Restore H7725 unto me the joy H8342 of thy salvation H3468 ; and uphold H5564 me with thy free H5082 spirit H7307 W-GFS .
13 Then will I teach H3925 transgressors H6586 thy ways H1870 ; and sinners H2400 shall be converted H7725 unto H413 thee .
14 Deliver H5337 me from bloodguiltiness H1818 , O God H430 , thou God H430 of my salvation H8668 : and my tongue H3956 shall sing aloud H7442 of thy righteousness H6666 .
15 O Lord H136 , open H6605 thou my lips H8193 ; and my mouth H6310 shall show forth H5046 thy praise H8416 .
16 For H3588 thou desirest H2654 not H3808 sacrifice H2077 ; else would I give H5414 it : thou delightest H7521 not H3808 in burnt offering H5930 .
17 The sacrifices H2077 of God H430 are a broken H7665 spirit H7307 : a broken H7665 and a contrite H1794 heart H3820 , O God H430 , thou wilt not H3808 despise H959 .
18 Do good H3190 in thy good pleasure H7522 unto Zion H6726 : build H1129 thou the walls H2346 of Jerusalem H3389 .
19 Then H227 ADV shalt thou be pleased H2654 with the sacrifices H2077 of righteousness H6664 NMS , with burnt offering H5930 NFS and whole burnt offering H3632 : then H227 ADV shall they offer H5927 bullocks H6499 upon H5921 PREP thine altar H4196 .
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